

We threw a little moustache party last night,

 clambering at midnight to the top of the building

to watch the fireworks exploding over the city. 

Grateful for friends,

who have shared this journey for so many years,

the ins and outs, ups and downs,

heartaches and joys.

And today -

that tingling feeling of a whole new year ahead,

like a blank canvas,

about to slowly unveil with notes and drawings and photographs,

familiar faces and surprise encounters.

So here's to a truly special New Year ahead,

taking each of us on along the path

that resounds with our hearts.

A year of magical thinking

aligning our steps.


R x

Meine Dinge Franka said...

All the Best!

♥ Franka

Bien chiné said...

I also think in the beginning like a white canvas.
I hope this will be a great year for everyone!

Doina Manea said...

Happy New Year to you and your family. Wonderful words and pictures.

Seawashed said...

What a fun post! Your words and photos lifting the spirit to embrace this new year with excitement. Thank you

Unknown said...

Wow, it's absolutely gorgeous! I love all of the bright pops of color throughout the holiday decor!! Lovely space! Your arrangements are lovely! You always bring such grace & beauty to the world. Wishing you a design

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

To you too dear Franka,
a splendid New Year!

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

I love that thought of a white canvas…
Yes, may it be filled with good things for each one, x

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

Thank you Doina, I wish the same to you!

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

That was special to hear, thank you dear kerrie…
There's something about opening the first pages of a new diary
- the restful knowledge that we can influence a great deal
of what types of engagements end up jotted down in there
during the course of the year…

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

Thank you laura :)
- wishing you a wonderful year ahead!

honeypieLivingetc said...

ha ! *big smile* .. and there we have it ..!
love. and would’ve loved to come to your
moustache party ..! :)

x, h

