My Saturday began with a lie-in,
a quiet morning coffee,
then hopping on the 8 tram
to see my gorgeous friend at her showroom.
( Tram rides can take all sorts of twists,
yesterday another tram
in another direction
- a politician gave up her seat for my daughter,
then an elderly gentleman started talking to us
about his now grown-up daughter,
who is a ballet dancer in Paris.
As he was leaving,
he looked at my girl but spoke to me, saying
"You never know what talents and treasures
are hidden underneath that woolly hat". )
As I was about to leave today,
my friend stashed a delicate bouquet
of eucalyptus & powder-hued roses
under my arm.
The waft now lingers in these rooms
- and the fragrance of eucalyptus
just happens to me my No 1 favourite in the world.
(Close tie with freshly ground coffee perhaps...)
Thought I'd raise my glass
to quality time with friends
who tug the heartstrings,
& chance encounters
on trams and street corners.
Sweet Saturday evening everyone!
I love this post. It reminds me that the world...the people our paths cross, is beautiful. That is a besutiful reminder. Thank you xo
Thank you for sharing lovely stories and encounters with all of us. I love your blog!
Thanks Kerrie darling!
It's so true, so many fascinating everyday moments and sparkling eyes,
when we take a moment to really look.
Fortunately there's also so much beauty in this world.
Thank you dear you for taking the time to leave your delightful message <3
Wishing you a lovely day, xx
It IS another world here ! A world filled of beauty, love, friendship, harmony and hope. I love to be here !
I hope that your day will be beautiful.
loving this post Rebecca and those roses ... I'm already on the way the flowershop ;)
Sweet and poetic inspirations ! J'adore !
Thank you from all my heart
for your overwhelmingly touching words...
Your beautiful heart and kindness just spill right over, x
Thank you Nina-kulta,
flowers are the best pickup!
(Ja aina poden huonoa omaatuntoa,
kun niin usein jää kirjoittamatta suomeksi... )
Merci Berenice!! x
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