

... and greetings from Italy,
where the sun kissed our shoulders
and beautiful people&places abound.

(And boy does it feel good to be back
after probably my longest blog break ever,
hope you're still there :) )

So, a few Italian episodes in store here for starters,
hop along if you wish! 


Meine Dinge Franka said...

Ready to read and see your new posts!!!


♥ Franka

michele said...

i'm so ready for italian gorgeousness as captured by you! welcome back, collector of lovely.


Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Yay Franka! x

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Thank you bringer of smiles, x

Nalle said...

Täällä ollaan jo valmiina. Toivottavasti loma oli onnistunut!

Ariane Reichardt said...

Bonasera, dear Rebecca,
I am still here, enjoying even your new pics.

x Ariane.

Joanna Ulfsdotter said...

Welcome back sweetheart; been waiting to see you return here as well! Lovely stuff, will keep my eyes peeled for more...:)

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Jee, mahtavaa :)
Loma oli ihku!

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Lovely to hear dear Ariane :)
And a big thank you, x

Valloittava valkoinen said...

Oi, sinua on odotettu! Kiva saada nauttia näistä ja tulevista kuvista.

Sannu said...

No täällä kuule ollaan,ikinä ei jätetä yhtään postausta väliin.
Kiva kun palasit:)

Emma said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Thank you Jo my lovely -
waiting to see your friendly face soon! x

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Ihana Anu, kiitos.
Ihan kuin olisi toiseen kotiin palannut,
kun näin ihania viestejä täällä, niisk. x

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Ooo, ihanasti sanot!!
Mukavaa hengata taas täällä :)

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Emma, viestisi olikin kadonnut,
mutta ehdin sen kyllä lukea
- kiitokset siitä!
Hauskaa, että ollaan pyöritty samassa maailman kolkassa :)

Unknown said...

Still here , have been patiently awaiting for more of your beautiful inspiration x

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Dear Nikki, thank you for bringing a smile to my face, x

