

No rush in the world.

Ei kiirettä minnekään.


houseno44 said...

so cute , i love your Pics



Anonymous said...

Great pictures!
Greetings, Sabina

Irene b said...

love this post and I'm happy to see the biscuits of Matte: his shop is near my home is strange to see them in your kitchen.

oh-my-home said...

There's no better title for this post :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful photographs. Yes today is a day of quiet reflection, no rushing around. the rush of the past few days is over. Wishing you a wonderful week.

Doina Manea said...

I wish you and your family a peaceful end of the year and a happy, prosperous new year. Your blog is so charming, so serene. I love coming here.


Meine Dinge Franka said...

Between the years time slows down!

♥ Franka

michele said...

mmmmm. i am feelin that peaceful no rush. and the tissue balls on the floor. ha! i made great big tissue pompoms and scattered them on the floor here for the holidays. i'll show you soon.


Thilda said...

So cute! :)

Marja said...

Siis niiiin kauniita kuvia! Sielu lepää.

Unknown said...

Wonderful peaceful pictures!
Wishing you a wonderful new year.

love from me

Anonymous said...

Beautiful home! And such a cute sleeping beauty!!

Anonymous said...

Hyvä luonanne ensi vuonnakin!

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Thank you so much Dragana
and a Happy New Year to you!

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Thanks dear Sabina!
Have a wonderful 2013!

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

It's a small world :)
Mr Mattei from your village is obviously famous,
as these were a souvenir from Lafayette in Paris.
Have a lovely New Year Irene!

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Those days between Christmas and New Year are just special I think,
all the time in the world and quiet reflection over the past and coming year.

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Thank you Sharon,
that's exactly how it's been.
This year we spent Christmas at home,
so the peaceful, restful feel
seemed to land immediately.
Wishing you a special New Year!

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Thank you Doina for all the encouraging words over the past year.
Wishing you every good thing and happiness for 2013!

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

It really does Franka!
And now on New Year's day
you suddenly feel quite geared up for work&a certain level of busyness again.
Hope the New Year treats you extra well!

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Well I knew we do things in sync :)
The pompoms were a lovely Christmas present
from my dear friend Tanja from Pretty Gingham.
Have a fabulous New Year my friend!

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Thank you Thilda
& Happy New Year !

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Oi kiitos Marja
- upeaa uutta vuotta!

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Thanks Gunn
- and thanks for all the beautiful inspiration
over the past year!
Have a good 2013!

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Thanks dearest c.
- a beautiful 2013 to you!

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Kiitokset kaunehimmat Kati
- kaikkea hyvää uuteen vuoteen!

Unknown said...

Your pictures wrap me in a calmness and take me to.a place of peace making me believe if only for a few moments that i can handle anything... thank you for that

