"It’s always more intriguing to imagine what’s happening,
as opposed to seeing everything,
because then you can use your imagination.
I always wanted to be at a distance."
“The unexpected connections we make might not last,
yet stay with us forever”
– Lost in Translation
“That's the way I work: I try to imagine what I would like to see.”
“You're considered superficial and silly if you are interested in fashion,
but I think you can be substantial and still be interested in frivolity.”
"I like telling the story in a visual way. I don't like explaining a lot in dialogue."
"Forget the audience, make what you want to see."
"I love that feeling of when it's touching and makes you happy
but there's a melancholy or bittersweet glaze to it."
(Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 )
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