

we've reached another era 
~ she planned the entire thing,
chose her flowers,
decided on the menu, 
gave instructions on the cake she was after
('you just need to divide the cake mix
into two different bowls
& throw in different amounts of red colouring...'),
baked and prepared the rest in advance
 after her ballet lesson last night.

i look at her and marvel every day. 


and so loved.

(I don't think any movie scene has made me well up 
like the one above from The Help
(all the more powerful
when you watch the whole movie
and see the context)

~ oh the power of words,
and uplifting each & everyone,
big & especially the small...)

Unknown said...

this was such a wholesome and sweet post for a Sunday morning. Thank you for sharing this

Atira xx

Anonymous said...

I imagine that she had a wonderful birthday,
with much love and cake...
The cake looks wonderful! x :)

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

Thank you dear Atira so much
~ hope you are having a lovely weekend! x

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

Thank you dear Mia
~ she had a lovely birthday,
and with each passing year
they get easier for me,
as they're smaller affairs
among closest friends,
and they are quite happy
with simply eating in peace
and chatting :)

