
We need the tonic of wildness...

I've been taking deeper breaths

between two bigger jobs.

Found my way to a pond,

where lily pads now lay heavy

under an ample sprinkling of pine needles. 

Wandering around 

in my favourite pair of grey woolly socks,

allowing my mind 

 to drift wherever it may wish. 

Olen ottanut syviä henkäyksiä

kahden isomman rupeaman välissä.

Löytänyt tien lammelle,

jossa lumpeenlehdet olivat

männynneulasten kuormasta painuksissa.

Haahuillut villasukissa

ja antanut ajatusten harhailla

 ihan minne haluavat.

Nalle said...

Näihin kuviin oli ihana pysähtyä hetkeksi♥

Seawashed said...

And then you share your breathtaking beauty with us. xxo

Anci said...

You give me that feeling I want to have now when I have given myself two days off. I want (and need) some time of my own with kindness and love.
Your photos are fantastic as always !


Rebecca Skye Watson said...

Iloiseksi tulin, kun sanoit ja koit noin,
kiitos Nalle, x

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

Ahh Kerrie,
it's people like you who make sharing worth it.
Thank you for being so encouraging, xxx

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

I understand that need so well...
And I hope you get to snatch some time just for you very soon,
it does wonders.
I've noticed with a lot going on and family around me,
it's more the quality than the quantity that I need these days,
but make sure I get some in one way or another.
Wishing you a tender November time dear Anci, xx

