

Finally, London in those elegant monochromes

against grey skies.

The quiet back streets of white and cream buildings

with their black iron railings

that cause a few extra sighs when walking past. 

Thank you for patiently walking the streets with me! 


Glamour Drops said...

Ever so elegant, as only London can….

Nalle said...

Kiitos upeasta kuvakävelystä. Tämän Lontoon haluaisin nähdä.


I adore your photos. I am just learning. How do you process your photos to get that white dreamy look. Is it a filter? Would you kindly explain to me.
I'm 66 years old and need to learn the newer stuff. Please and thank you.

isabelle said...

All that beautiful tableware - you know what I like!

Unknown said...

Dear Rebecca,
This is beyond words, stunning, divine....
I have always been in love with the white buildings and the iron details......the crochets and lace......and the flowers to finish it off.....
I can already imagine beautiful book with all these wonderful a joy for the eye, sould and heart!

Thank you once again.............for this..I enjoy your pictures every morning along with my lavazza at my desk at work.....
Lots of Love form very hot and very sunny beautiful London's Westminster!!

Marja said...

Aivan mielettömän kauniita kuvia! Tällaisen Lontoon minäkin haluaisin joskus nähdä... aivan ihania nuo valkoiset rakennukset ja kujan päälle kaartuvat puut...

Suz said...

Gorgeous post!

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

Thank you Glamour Drops,
and as is your name, x

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

Voi, toivottavasti näet Nalle!
On kyllä niin valtava kaupunki,
että kokemus voi olla ihan toisenlainen
riippuen missä päin liikkuu.

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

Thanks so much dear Love and xxxx!
Well, I have a basic DSLR + all these were taken with my favourite,
very cost-efficient 50 mm lens.
For detail, I usually go for a large aperture,
which leaves the background blurred and soft.
I shoot everything in RAW format,
which requires basic editing afterwards,
so I usually adjust basic things,
such as saturation, exposure, brightness and contrast afterwards.
Sometimes I add a little gaussian blur to create some extra blurriness
and softness.
I hope you find this helpful and so exciting that you're learning new stuff!
It's incredible how much one can learn and how quickly,
when there's motivation there and there's been the opportunity
to get to know what one likes and tweak one's style over the years.
Wishing you loads of fun and love as you carry on with your journey, x

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

Ahh, yes, quite a stash there!
The photo was of a window of a little antiques shop
along Westbourne Grove,
I'm sure some of it will still be around
for the next time you're in town :)

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

Guess how much I'm loving the thought of you
downing a lovely cup of lavazza right there in stunning Westminster,
checking in...
And it warms my heart that you appreciate your wonderful surroundings.
Thank you ever so much for your lovely words
that touch my heart.
Wishing you a beautiful London summer, x

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

Kiitos Marja!
Onneksi Lontoo on niin paljon muutakin kuin niitä vilkkaimpia katuja,
turistirysiä ja väenpaljoutta.
Nuo valkoiset lontoolaiskodit on kyllä unelmia...
masennus vaan iskee, jos sattuu kurkkaamaan välitystoimiston ikkunasta hintoja.
Mutta onneksi sinne pääsee aina käymään!

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

Thanks so much Suz, x

isabelle said...

Thank goodness for that!


Thank you so much Rebecca for the information. So encouraging for me to try.

