
A home to love

I find this Japanese home with its Parisian touches 
so effortless and appealing...

This lovely, sunny space is home to Hitoshi Uchida-San 
(owner of J'Antiques Tokyo) and his family, in Kamakura, Japan. 

More photos: The Selby
My Scandinavian Home said...

Absolutely stunning home. I've seen a few of the images before but never the entire home and it's breathtaking! Love the swing too - I wonder if i could fit one into my home somewhere.....?

BEACH & EAU said...


Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

I've had the fireplace picture with the row of Diptyque votives in my favourite for ages,
but only just discovered where it came from today, too
- not sure how I've missed this home...
You should definitely try to fit a swing somewhere :)
Have a lovely evening, x

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Lovely, right :)

| Harmony and design | said...

Preciosidad y mucha personalidad!

Valloittava valkoinen said...

Wau ihan Mahtava koti. Itse uskallan pitää ovet vanhoina ja kuluneina, mutta muuten päädyin siihen seinistä tulee vain valkoiset eikä kalkkimaalatut ja vanhan oloiset, vaikka voihan ne aina uudelleen maalata jos mieli muuttuu.

Hyvää illan jatkoa sinulle!

Cindy said...

You're right, it's great... very little clutter, but each item has patina, and energy and texture... pretty darn cool


michele said...

so many swoonworthy details. that leather sachel. the bit of lace. of course the swing! (my ikea one in my studio needs a hack as the red and black are no longer welcome now that i've muted things in there).

happy wednesday, lovely blogger.


Joanna Ulfsdotter said...

Gorgeous home! And what do I spy with my little eye, if not a whole row of Diptyques...;) x

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Gracias, x

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Kuulosta äärimmäisen hyvältä,
pitääpä tulla kurkkimaan mitä on viimeaikoina teillä siellä tapahtunut.
Mulla ei mitään kauaskantoisia päätöksiä remontin suhteen,
huone kerralla edetään.
Eteiseen päädytään mekin aika puhtaaseen ja valkoiseen maaliin
(&panelointiin), kun tila jää tosi hämäräksi.
Nyt on lattia hiottu ja katto maalattu kertaalleen
ja valon ja tilan määrä kyllä tuplaantui heti!
Intoa sinne remonttirintamalle!

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Yes, I love how sparsely it's decorated,
with just the perfect amount of lovingly worn
pieces strewn here and there.
And yet it looks so comfortable and homely and happy!

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

I know, such beautiful elements,
and juxtaposed against the very Japanese & scenery on the outside
(more of that over at The Selby),
it makes for a really interesting and endearing mix.
Take care my lovely, x

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Oooh have I got my eye on those...
A lovely evening to you Jo, x

nines said...

Great pieces. Great colors. Great patina. Marvelous swing. But the composition, the way it's all put together... not great.

honeypieLivingetc said...

love it to b i t s
- thank you for showing !
aah, lovely inspiration with
a late morning coffee, you
just made my day better,
thank you sweet you !

x, h

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! x

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

I love it so, too,
all the details
& the unpretentious,
care-free, loved feel...
Those coffee moments are the best, ay? x

Ulf G Bohlin said...

Never before seen photos of Asian home with these qualities. I'm almost speechless ..

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

Thank you for leaving some words behind Ulf
- I agree, a rather wonderful mix of cultures and influences,
turning almost into a world of its own!

