“Timeworn herringbone floors in cognac hues whisper tales from the past as they gently creak underfoot. Autumn light filters through centuries-old hand-blown windows, casting a golden glow on a marble mantlepiece, while a ceiling rose with cascading petals draws the gaze…” – excerpt from my book Parisienne – Secrets to Paris-Inspired Living.
As someone who loves Paris but doesn’t live there, having the chance to visit the dreamiest Haussmannian apartment imaginable with my camera in tow to be featured in my book had me pinching. I am eternally grateful to the one and only Frank Adrian Barron, aka Cake Boy Paris for giving me such a warm welcome (you can visit his website here and follow him on Instagram: @cakeboyparis ).
And it was an absolute joy to meet up with him this September in Paris in the quaintest café only he knows how to pick, and hand him a copy of the book in person.
Each visit to the City of Light has felt like peeling another layer. Over the past year, while creating Parisienne, I’ve had one foot and 90% of my head in Paris the whole time. This journey didn’t only result in pages between solid covers but in meeting people I now have the pleasure of calling friends.
I guess with all this I want to say it’s SO worth focusing on what entices you! You never know what unexpected doors might open or how things will grow, often in surprising, beautiful ways.
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