Our hotel in the old Jewish quarter of Seville
was out of this woooorld...
It was a little hard to concentrate
on formalities in the Moorish-influenced reception
upon arrival,
when through the glass doors you could glimpse
a large sitting room, open all the way
through the second floor,
surrounded by columns,
with mismatch chairs, magazines,
& a little bar at the back.
We were escorted through countless passageways
& courtyards dotted with plants and water fountains
in every shape and form,
until we were startled to find ourselves
on the opposite side of the street
from where we'd begun
and were shown to our two rooms
connected across a tiny cute courtyard of our very own.
Above the rooftops,
a pool and scorching afternoon sun.
I could have easily spent the whole time in Seville
getting happily lost in the labyrinth of corridors and courtyards
at Casa de Juderia, which didn't really feel like a hotel,
as it's "27 traditional houses
linked through 40 patios and gardens",
as the brochure says.
( Not a sponsored ad this,
but gladly recommend this place
to anyone out there who gets their kicks
from old pots, stones and pillars :) )
P.S. Here's a beautiful little video
with English subtitles
about flamenco in Seville
also partly shot in the backstreets of the hotel
by the looks of it.
Famous flamenco bar La Carboneria
was located on a tiny street
just behind the hotel.
When returning back late at night
through the narrow alleys,
all you wanted to do
was head towards that beat...
Hopefully one day again,
among grownups...
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