
Seated Beauty

My daily dose of Paolo Roversi loveliness

(can't get enough of his hues, textures, moods … ),

tonight Seated beauty featuring Natalia Vodianova 

for Vogue China.

Hope November has been treating you well?

I don't know if it's just me,

but as much as I actually like 

the grey and the rain and the lull they create,

I could just, well, stay seated,

or hmmm keep flopping

with a comforting book in my hand

 but having a snooze instead… 

If you've been feeling particularly creative 

or energetic or even just plain normal,

would you care to share your secret? :) 

Paolo scans via Fashion Gone Rogue

michele said...

sitting pretty for sure.

my energy is low key. i want only to make apple cider donuts (for the smells of course), light candles, and skim my picture books. yep. too lazy to even read much these days. oh. and another mindless activity. watching 'breaking bad' each evening with my hubby. nothing like filling the mind with visions of meth addicts and deep melancholy just before the head hits the pillow. well then. i'll be going now.


Rebecca Skye Watson said...

Ha, nice November recipe :).
For me it's the *wanting* to keep at it -
take lots of photographs, read heaps of good books,
but this doesn't seem to quite happen with my low November energy, too,
and then I get a bit restless and frustrated under my collar.
Hibernation mode… x

Thilda said...

Mitä kuvia! Ihastuttavia! Fiilis on enimmäkseen apaattinen ja saamaton, surumielinenkin. Mutta ajoittain kupliva ja iloinen, nauttiva ja seikkailunhaluinen. Siis sekava! Odotan joulua, lunta ja pakkasta - edes kuuraa!

Seawashed said...

I feel like that all day but still get out to walk, even if its a slower pace, beside the water and then in the late evening i have energy and creativity so i paint till midnight! Don't really know why but i think its hormones lol

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

Syksyssäsi on selvästi maustetta -
toivottavasti suunta yhä enenevästi sinne kuplivan ja keveän puolelle!
Huomaan, että mulla olisi kova hinku
pystyä täysin uppoutumaan omaan tekemiseen oikein kunnolla,
vaan kun työt ja perhe vaativat ja ansaitsevat osansa
ei noille omille intohimoille meinaa löytyä sijaa,
vaan jäävät sinne saamattomuuden ja väsymyksen jalkoihin…
Ja se taas vähän harmittaa ja turhauttaa.
Mutta uusia vaiheita tulee, onneksi!

Rebecca Skye Watson said...

That sounds fabulous, kerrie, - love it!
It's true that filling one's lungs with fresh air
and eyes with even a slice of nature (urban in my case)
is like medicine.
A great reminder to make sure to add a regular dosage!
Love the thought of your creative juices flowing till midnight, x

Anonymous said...

Minulla olisi se sama hinku kuin sinulla. ja samat esteet.
Marraskuu ei ole silti ihan onnistunut jyräämään. Uskon että salaisuuteni on juoksulenkit. Lähden vaikkei aina huvita. Jo viiden minuutin päästä huvittaa ja kiitän itseäni.

