
The big calm

Some lovely, calming vibes from the inspiring Kara Rosenlund... 

Lots of love, x

All photos: Kara Rosenlund

houseno44 said...

so Nice, i love it



anne said...

I love her pictures so much, it's full of precious and charming details...

Indy said...

lovely images, so inspiring. My teaspoons now reside in a pretty little bowl: I've brought a pot of herbs into the kitchen: a chocolate cake is baking: I'm headed for my studio...
(not sure that my kitchen is conducive to the run of our chickens though)


Indy x

Anci said...

Just what I needed today ! It's wonderful !


Liivia said...

Olipa taas paljon kauniita yksityiskohtia. Ja kakku näyttää lähes samalta kuin meillä eilen, kynttilöitäkin melkein yhtä monta:)

Patricia G said...

Love pewter! Sweet hens.

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Thanks dear dragana,
I really enjoy Kara's posts,
as her life is so different from mine.
And there's such warmth, beauty
and that enviable Australian sunlight
in all her photos and musings :)

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

You're so right anne,
and beneath it all there seems to be a 'realness'
and naturalness that are so appealing, x

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Indy, sounds like the makings of a perfect Sunday!
I'd better skip the chicken in these conditions, too,
no matter how adorable they look :)

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

So nice to hear Anci!
(It always delights me when I see a comment from you popping up!)

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Kyllähän näissä sielu lepää...
ja piristävää seurailla elämää
toisella puolella maapalloa,
joka näyttää niin erilaiselta kuin omat ympyrät.
Voih, teillä oli kyllä niin ihanan näköinen juhlintameininki!

Rebecca / Sanctuary said...

Another pewter&hen fan here :)
Have a lovely evening!

tinajo said...

Beautiful inspiration!

